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Here’s the scoop on Sunset Sherbet. This hybrid is a cross of the popular Girl Scout Cookies and Pink Panties cultivars and is famous for its full-body, relaxing effects. Sunset Sherbet’s laid back vibes and sweet notes of fruit make it more than worthy of a second helping.
The Sunset Sherbet Strain
Sunset Sherbet goes by many names, including Sherbet, Sunset Sherb, and Sherbert OG. Whatever you call it, it's a classic strain that provides delicious flavor and balanced effects. This classic strain's combination of dreamy Indica and uplifting Sativa makes it a favorite of many cannabis consumers, novices and experts alike.
Final Bell WS. License #C12-0000266-LIC
CA Residents Only
WARNING: Vaping or dabbing this product exposes you to carcinogens including myrcene, and during pregnancy exposes your child to delta-9-THC, which can affect your child’s behavior and learning ability. For more information go to
A spent cannabis cartridge shall be properly disposed of as hazardous waste at a household hazardous waste collection facility or other approved facility.